330 GT Registry

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S/N 8203 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
8203330 GT 2 Headlight8203LHDVerde Scuro 20449 S It.P/W
5 Speed 571/65Euro1966/01/21Pelle Beige VM 3309Series I dash
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1966Verde Scuro 19394 It.
Auto Becker Gmbh & Co GermanyPelle Beige VM 3309
Import1966Verde Scuro 19394 It.
Unknown GermanyPelle Beige VM 3309
Purchase1 Verde Scuro 20449 S It.
Unknown Pelle Beige VM 3309
Other1966/08/25  11344 KMServiced at the factory
SEFAC SpA MOItalyM-HC 666/Germany
Other1967/05/23  21166 KMServiced at the factory.
Unknown MunichGermanyM-HC 666/Germany
Other1967/07/21  23791 KMServiced at the factory.
Unknown MunichGermanyM-HC 666/Germany
Other1967/08/21  26024 KMServiced at the factory
SEFAC SpA MOItalyM-HC 666/Germany
Robert Hart ILUSA
Unknown Switzerland
Copyright ©1988 Marcel MassiniImport1988/01/19AlloyDark GreenAt Bern customs station.
Unknown Switzerland
Copyright ©1988 Marcel Massini 
Rudolf Sutter LucerneSwitzerland
For Sale2004/09/28$98700AlloyDark Green
Rudolf Sutter LucerneSwitzerlandTan/BeigeLU 2351/Switzerland

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