330 GT Registry

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S/N 6961 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
6961330 GT 4 Headlight6961LHDRubino Chiaro 16213 MM
5 Speed 571/65US1965/06/09Pelle Beige VM 3218
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1965?Rubino Chiaro 16213 MM
Luigi Chinetti Motors, Inc. CTUSAPelle Beige VM 3218
Purchase19651 Rubino Chiaro 16213 MM
Bernie B. Morgan, CLM INUSAPelle Beige VM 3218
Concours1966/05/15Rubino Chiaro 16213 MMIn FCA 1st Indianapolis 500 Meet Concours, Indianapolis, IN.
Bernie B. Morgan, CLM INUSAPelle Beige VM 3218
Purchase1967/08  11000 Mi2 Peter traded Bernie a Lusso straight up for 6961. Peter wanted to give Bernie some money since it was an older car, but Bernie said the Lusso had fewer miles
Peter Cook MIUSA
Purchase1971/03  23000 Mi3
Robert Galliher INUSA
Purchase1982/03  32500 Mi4
George H Maley IN USA
Purchase1983/08/29  36000 Mi5 WireRed
Bryan Kornegay ILUSATan
Owned2002/09/21  43500 MiWireRed
Bryan Kornegay ILUSATan
Bryan Kornegay ILUSA
Bryan Kornegay ILUSA
Bryan Kornegay ILUSATan
Purchase20056 Red
Unknown ILUSATan

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