330 GT Registry

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S/N 6019 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
6019330 GT 4 Headlight6019RHDGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
4 Speed w/OD 571US1964/08/17Pelle Rossa VM 3171
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1964Grigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Maranello Concessionaires Ltd SRYUKPelle Rossa VM 3171
Purchase1964/09/031 Grigio Fumo 18944 M It.Registered on September 3, 1964
Eric Miller UKPelle Rossa VM 3171CLL 106B/UK
OwnedGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Eric Miller UKPelle Rossa VM 3171EMM 8/UK
Copyright ©1965 Robert J. NearyPurchase19652 WireGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Jack E. Neary ESSUKPelle Rossa VM 3171
Copyright ©1966 Robert J. NearyOwnedWireGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Jack E. Neary ESSUKPelle Rossa VM 3171CLL 106B/UK
Other1967/09At FOC(UK) Prescott Meeting
Jack E. Neary ESSUK
Jack E. Neary ESSUKCLL 106B/UK
Picture1970/10/11At Gaydon Sprint, Gaydon RAF, UK
Jack E. Neary ESSUKCLL 106B/UK
Copyright ©1971 Marcel MassiniAccident1971WireGrayAt FOC UK test day Silverstone, UK.
Jack E. Neary ESSUKCLL 106B/UK

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