330 GT Registry

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S/N 4963 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
4963330 GT 4 Headlight4963701LHDVerde SpecialeM/W
4 Speed w/OD 571Euro1963/12/17846-Beige Scuro VM 846Prototype
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Other1963/07WireVerde SpecialeCompletion date
SEFAC SpA MOItaly846-Beige Scuro VM 846
Other1964/01/07WireVerde SpecialeCertificate of origin issued
SEFAC SpA MOItaly846-Beige Scuro VM 846
Purchase1964/01/09$80001 WireVerde SpecialeItL 5,000.000.
SEFAC SpA MOItaly846-Beige Scuro VM 846MO 102442/Italy
Comm. Enzo Ferrari MOItalyMO 102442/Italy
Purchase1964/12/17$80002 WireItL 5,000.000.
Intercar SrL MIItaly
Intercar SrL MIItalyMI 967176/Italy
Import1965WireTo Switzerland
Unknown Switzerland
Unknown Switzerland
Other1974/03WireDe-registered for road use, stored in Switzerland.
Unknown Switzerland
Other2017/02WireVerde Speciale1:18 scale model (BBR1832D) from BBR.
BBR Models VAItalyBeigeMI 967176/Italy
Other2020WireVerde Speciale1:18 scale model (180422) from KK Scale
KK Scale GermanyBeigeMO 102442/Italy
Purchase2023+1Verde Speciale
Niki Hasler AG SwitzerlandBeige
Purchase2023/12/09+2Verde SpecialeTo be restored to original specifications.
Unknown Beige

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