330 GT Registry

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S/N 9347 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
9347330 GT 2 Headlight9347LHDGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.P/W, A/C
5 Speed 571/66Euro1966/12/16Pelle Blu Nuvola VM 3015
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Purchase1967?1 Grigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Tullio Campagnolo ItalyPelle Blu Nuvola VM 3015
Purchase2 WirePearl Gray
Thomas Georgelas UTUSABlue
For Sale1972/02$6800WirePearl Gray
Thomas Georgelas UTUSABlue
For Sale1974/12$7900  49000 MiAlloyGray MetallicComplete engine and valve job at 40K
H. L. Quist AZUSABlue
H. L. Quist AZUSA
For Sale1975/01$8990  48000 MiAlloySilver-Gray
H. L. Quist AZUSABlue
For Sale1988/02/20$40000WhiteRebuilt engine
Paul Forbes CAUSABlack

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