330 GT Registry

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S/N 8981 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
8981330 GT 2 Headlight8981LHDCordoba Red 4430114 A It.P/W, P/S, A/C
5 Speed 571/66US1966/10/03Pelle Beige VM 3218
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Other1966/10/21AlloyCordoba Red 4430114 A It.Invoice #2236/66 to Chinetti Motors
SEFAC SpA MOItalyPelle Beige VM 3218
Import1966/11?Cordoba Red 4430114 A It.
Luigi Chinetti Motors, Inc. CTUSAPelle Beige VM 3218
Purchase1967?1 Cordoba Red 4430114 A It.
Tony Curtis NVUSAPelle Beige VM 3218
For Sale1980/12$25000WireRosso ChiaroNew paint, leather
George L. Mothershed OKUSATan
For Sale1981/01/10$25000WireRosso ChiaroComplete mechanical rebuild by Alf Francis
George L. Mothershed OKUSATan
For Sale1986/06/14$19500WireRed1st owner Tony Curtis
Forristall's GT Cars TXUSATan
Fox Benton TXUSATan
Fox Benton TXUSA738 NUC/TX
John G. Napoli NYUSATan
Other1988/05/14Wanted parts
John G. Napoli NYUSA
Mike Fisher Jr. NYUSATan
Walter Mertes GermanyTan
Import1989/03WireRedExported to Germany
Walter Mertes GermanyTan
Purchase3 WireCordoba Red
Hilger Hauptmann Germany
Purchase2019***  77600 Mi+4WireCordoba Red
*** GermanyBlack/Black

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