330 GT Registry

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S/N 8617 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
8617330 GT 2 Headlight8617534LHDGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.P/W
5 Speed 571/66Euro1966/05/24Pelle Rossa VM 317140 DCZ/6 carbs
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1966/05/26AlloyGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
S. A. Garage Francorchamps BelgiumPelle Rossa VM 3171
Purchase19661 AlloyGrigio Fumo 18944 M It.
Persson (Belgium) BelgiumPelle Rossa VM 3171
For Sale1983/07/30$12900  51100 MiBlack?Consignment car, must sell
FAF Motorcars GAUSARed
For Sale1989/04/15Silver?Colors are questionable
Walnut Creek Ferrari CAUSABlack?
Mark Clark ALUSARed
PaintBlack$40K restoration. Painted Black
Mark Clark ALUSARed
For Sale1991?
Gullwing Motors MAUSA
For Sale1996
Lotus Motorsports MAUSA
For Sale1996/05/25$50000  52000 MiWireBlackRecent restoration
William J. O’Connor MAUSARed
For Sale1998Wire
Paul Russell & Co MAUSA
Purchase1998/07+1WireBlackFrom Paul Russell
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red833 JJJ/WA
Other2004/04/17  58297 MiWireBlackAt FCA NW Region event at Carlo Durante's Alfa of Tacoma
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red833 JJJ/WA
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
Concours2005/09/04  59433 MiWireBlackAt 13th Annual Italian Concours, S. Lake Union Park, Seattle, WA
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red833 JJJ/WA
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
Owned2009/06/13  60138 MiWireBlack
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red68334 (CV)/WA
Concours2009/09/06WireBlackBest Classic V12 Ferrari and Griots Preservation Award, Italian Concours , Des Moines Marina, WA
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
For Sale2009/10/31$120000  60514 MiWireBlack
Rob Wakeling WAUSARed/Red
*** WAUSARed/Red
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red
Copyright ©2014 Tom WilsonOther2014/10/12WireBlackAt FCA 60th anniversary meet, Beverly Hills, CA.
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red68334/WA
Copyright ©2014 Tom Wilson 
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red
Owned2015/03/12  61500 MiWireBlack
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red67 GT330/CA
Owned2019/02/10  66000 MiWireBlackNew tires 5/2018.
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red67 GT330/CA
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red67 GT330/CA
Owned2023/02/25WireBlackMain relay replaced.
Fred & Aaron Bina CAUSARed/Red67 GT330/CA

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