330 GT Registry

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S/N 8097 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
8097330 GT 2 Headlight8097RHDBianco 20414 A It.P/W, Grigio chiaro headliner
5 Speed 571/65US1965/12/22Pelle Nera Franzi/NeroSeries I dash
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1966Bianco 20414 A It.
Maranello Concessionaires Ltd SRYUKPelle Nera Franzi/Nero
Purchase1966/02/011 WireBianco 20414 A It.Registered in UK.
T. C. Harrison DBY DBYUKPelle Nera Franzi/NeroTCN 2/UK
Stephen J. Pilkington LANUKBlackNWE 967D/UK
John R. Barker YKSUK
John R. Barker YKSUKSVN 5D/UK
Article1983AlloyRedPicture in Owen's Ferrari 4-Seaters, p 66
Unknown UKSVN 5D/UK
Michael Frelich UKSVN 5D/UK
Copyright ©1998 Coys of KensingtonAuction1998/05/11$32741AlloyRedSold, £19996. Lot 6 at Chiswick House, UK auction.
Coys of Kensington Automobiles UKBlackSVN 5D/UK
Denis Bignold TasmaniaAustraliaSVN 5D/UK
Denis Bignold TasmaniaAustralia
Denis Bignold TasmaniaAustraliaSI 1067/VIC
Denis Bignold TasmaniaAustralia
Denis Bignold TasmaniaAustraliaSI 1067/VIC
Purchase2012/05/23  62053 Mi+1AlloyRosso Red
Stephen Dowling VICAustraliaNero/NeroSI 1067/VIC
Owned2013/03/04AlloyRosso Red
Stephen Dowling VICAustraliaNero/NeroSI 1067/VIC
Owned2013/04/26AlloyRosso Red
Stephen Dowling VICAustraliaNero/NeroSI 1067/VIC

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