330 GT Registry

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S/N 7279 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
7279330 GT 4 Headlight7279LHDOro Chiaro 19410 M It.P/W
5 Speed 571/65US1965/07/08Pelle Rossa VM 3171
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1965?Oro Chiaro 19410 M It.
Monteverdi Binningen Motors BaselSwitzerlandPelle Rossa VM 3171
Purchase1 Oro Chiaro 19410 M It.
Unknown Pelle Rossa VM 3171
For Sale1990/08/04$85000  95000 KMMaroon
Forza Motorsports NYUSACranberry
For Sale1991/01/05$60000  95000 KMWireMaroon
Forza Motorsports NYUSACranberry
For Sale1992/07/18$39000Maroon
Forza Motorsports NYUSAMaroon
For Sale1992/12/19$33000  96000 KMMaroon
Forza Motorsports NYUSACranberry
alselle (ebay id) FLUSA
For Sale1994/01/22$33800  59000 MiBurgundy Metallic
Amerispec Corp CTUSABurgundy
For Sale1995/01/21$29800  58900 MiWireRosso Rubino
Auto Toy Store FLUSADark Red
Auction2003/04/28$34100  99000 KMWireMetallic RedNot sold, Ebay auction, 3 former owners
Mark Goodall FLUSARed/RedE33 RXX/FL
Auction2003/05/24$28100  55000 MiWireBurgundyNot sold, Ebay auction
alselle (ebay id) FLUSAMaroonE33 RXX/FL
Purchase2003  100235 KM+1WireBurgundy
Robert Cerame FLUSABurgundy
Robert Cerame FLUSABurgundy
For Sale2004/06/21$38500WireBurgundy
Robert Cerame FLUSABurgundy
Unknown ARUSA
Copyright ©2019 Gullwing Motor Cars, Inc.For Sale2019/12/13$189500WireBurgundyeBay 274141536546.
*** NYUSAMaroon/Red61617/AR
Copyright ©2019 Gullwing Motor Cars, Inc.  Copyright ©2019 Gullwing Motor Cars, Inc.  Copyright ©2019 Gullwing Motor Cars, Inc.  Copyright ©2019 Gullwing Motor Cars, Inc. 
Purchase2020/06WireBurgundyEvidently sold as no longer advertised.
Unknown Maroon/Red61617/AR

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