330 GT Registry

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S/N 7167 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
7167330 GT 4 Headlight7167LHDNero 18929 S It.
5 Speed 571/65Euro1965/04/26Pelle Beige Franzi BG02/BeigeHistory thru 1970 courtesy of Marcel Massini
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Other1965/04/27WireNero 18929 S It.Certificate of origin issued
SEFAC SpA MOItalyPelle Beige Franzi BG02/Beige
Purchase1965/05/10$60541 WireNero 18929 S It.ItL 3,783,000.
Ing. Pininfarina TOItalyPelle Beige Franzi BG02/Beige
Other1965/05/15WireNero 18929 S It.Registered
Ing. Pininfarina TOItalyPelle Beige Scuro VM 846/BeigeTO 708237/Italy
Other1965/07WireBlackAt factory
Ing. Pininfarina TOItalyLight/BeigeTO 708237/Italy
Picture1965?AlloyBlackP. 188, Prunet's Pininfarina Art & Industry 1930-2000
Ing. Pininfarina TOItaly/BeigeTO 708237/Italy
Amerigo Brizzolara MIItaly
Other1966/07/25Registered in Milano
Amerigo Brizzolara MIItalyMI B75609/Italy
Purchase1967/09/19$8003 ItL 500,000.
Armando Aroldi MIItalyMI B75609/Italy
Purchase1967/12/27$8004 ItL 500,000.
Maria Marceddu MIItalyMI B75609/Italy
Purchase1968/12/30$12005 ItL 750,000.
Cesario Manlio MIItalyMI B75609/Italy
Purchase1969/02/18$27906 ItL 1,750,000.
Ferruccio Boffa MIItalyMI B75609/Italy
Other1970/02/04Registration canceled due to export.
Unknown MIItalyMI B75609/Italy

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