330 GT Registry

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S/N 6515 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
6515330 GT 4 Headlight6515LHDOro Chiaro 19410 M It.M/W
4 Speed w/OD 571US1964/11/24Pelle Arancia VM 3104
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1964?Oro Chiaro 19410 M It.
Luigi Chinetti Motors, Inc. CTUSAPelle Arancia VM 3104
Purchase1 Oro Chiaro 19410 M It.
Unknown Pelle Arancia VM 3104
Purchase2007  54456 Mi+2WireBronzeInherited from father
Marshall Mizuno MNUSABrown
For Sale2007/05/01  54456 MiWireBronzePartial toolkit, owner's manual.
Marshall Mizuno MNUSABrown/Beige
Tom Shaughnessy CAUSABrown/Beige
Brandon Lawrence CAUSABrown/Beige
Auction2007/10/06$48599  54456 MiWireBronzeSold, eBay auction 320163288646.
Tom Shaughnessy CAUSABlack/Beige
Purchase2007/10/06WireBronzePurchase not completed.
stefania7168 (eBay ID) USABlack/Beige
Auction2007/10/20$41433  54456 MiWireBronzeNot sold, RNM. eBay auction 320168749980.
Tom Shaughnessy CAUSABlack/Beige
For Sale2008/10/10  54456 MiWireBronze
Tom Shaughnessy CAUSABlack/Beige
Norwood Autocraft TXUSABlack/Beige
Parted Out2009/07/29WireBronze
Norwood Autocraft TXUSABlack/Beige
Rebody2009/12/03WireBronzeTo be used for a 330 GTO.
Norwood Autocraft TXUSABlack/Beige

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