330 GT Registry

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S/N 6273 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
6273330 GT 4 Headlight6273LHDAzzurro 19278 M It.M/W
4 Speed w/OD 571Euro1964/09/17Pelle Nera VM 8500
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1964/10?Azzurro 19278 M It.
Franco-Britannic Autos Ltd. FrancePelle Nera VM 8500
Show1964/10Azzurro 19278 M It.1964 Sol Paris Auto Show car
Sol Paris FrancePelle Nera VM 8500
Article1964/10WireAzzurro 19278 M It.Pictured in 1964 Ferrari Yearbook.
Franco-Britannic Autos Ltd. FrancePelle Nera VM 8500
Other1965/06/19WireCeleste BlueMarshall's car at 1965 Le Mans Race
Unknown FranceRed
  Copyright ©1965 Marcel Massini 
Other1965/06/20WireAzzurro 19278 M It.Marshal's car at 1965 Le Mans Race, driven by Donald Sleator/CEO, FBA.
Franco-Britannic Autos Ltd. FrancePelle Nera VM 8500
Purchase1965?1 Azzurro 19278 M It.
Unknown FrancePelle Nera VM 8500
PurchaseRolling chassis, planned for Nembo Spyder
N. Derek Welford LEIUK
Auction2012/01/27  80000 MiSold?, ended early. Engine only. Ebay 200702284558.
antony7564 (eBay id) KentUK

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