330 GT Registry

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S/N 10165 Detail

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S/NDescriptionMotor #Body #L/RHDOriginal Paint ColorOptions
Transmission TypeEuro/USManufacture DateLeather/Carpet ColorsComment
10165330 GT 2 Headlight10165783LHDArgento 25090 A It.P/W, P/S, A/C
5 Speed 571/66US1967/07/04Pelle Rossa VM 3171/Red40DFI/2 carbs
Detail TypeDatePriceMileageOwner # WheelsPaint ColorComment
NameState/ProvCountryLeather/Carpet ColorsPlate Number/Location
Import1967?Argento 25090 A It.
Luigi Chinetti Motors, Inc. CTUSAPelle Rossa VM 3171/Red
Other1967?WireArgento 25090 A It.Consigned to Otto Zipper
Otto Zipper Motors Inc. CAUSAPelle Rossa VM 3171/Red
Purchase1967/09/20$16549.811 WireArgento 25090 A It.
John Hearne CAUSAPelle Rossa VM 3171/Red
Picture2001/11/02  28507 MiWireSilver
getatele@aol.com LAUSARed
Auction2001/11/13$45000  28507 MiWireSilverebay auction, 1 owner CA car, Sold 1 bid
getatele@aol.com LAUSARed
Purchase2001/11/20$45000  28507 Mi2 WireSilver
Andrew Justin NYUSARed
Auction2002/10/20$40100  29000 MiWireSilverNot Sold ebay, One owner CA car
Andrew Justin NYUSARed
Auction2003/06/11$40000  28511 MiWireSilverEbay auction, Sold
Andrew Justin NYUSARed/RedBMC 5809/NY
Purchase2003/06/12$40000WireSilverEvidently buyer flaked out as new auction 6 days later
sanpilot75 (ebay id) CAUSARed/Red
Auction2003/06/24$42000  28511 MiWireSilverEbay auction, no bids
Andrew Justin NYUSARed/RedBMC 5809/NY
Auction2003/08/04$37500  28511 MiWireSilverNo bids. Ebay auction, no reserve.
Andrew Justin NYUSARed/RedBMC 5809/NY
Auction2003/08/19$35202  28511 MiWireSilverSold, ebay auction, no reserve.
Andrew Justin NYUSARed/RedBMC 5809/NY
Other2003/08/19SilverTransaction not completed
scraper7 (ebay id) CAUSARed/Red
Purchase2003/09  29571 Mi3 WireSilver
Wayne Bier CAUSARed/Red
RebuildWireSilverEngine rebuilt by Patrick Otis.
Wayne Bier CAUSARed
Other2006/08/18  30073 MiWireSilverAt Concorso Italiano, Monterey, CA
Wayne Bier CAUSARed5REH662/CA
For Sale2006/08/18$110000  30073 MiWireSilver
Wayne Bier CAUSARed5REH662/CA
Other2007/08/17SilverAt Concorso Italiano, Monterey, CA
Wayne Bier CAUSARed
Auction2007/09/21  30528 MiSilverListing ended early. Last bid 94,905. eBay auction 190152154728.
Wayne Bier CAUSARed/Red5REH662/CA
Wayne Bier CAUSARed5REH662/CA
Auction2011/09/22$106433.66  30587 MiSilverSold, 18 bids. eBay auction 190577655730.
Wayne Bier CAUSARed/Red5REH662/CA
Purchase2011/09/22  30587 Mi4 WireSilver
*** ILUSARed/Red
*** ILUSARed/Red
Copyright ©2014 gsm348Other2014/06/22WireSilverAt Ferraris on Oak street, Chicago, IL.
*** ILUSARed/Red
*** ILUSARed/Red
*** ILUSARed/Red
*** ILUSARed/Red

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