Magazine NameIssue Number/DateArticle NamePage NumberSerial #Serial #  
250 GTE Register V36#3Autumn 2019Sleeping Beauty Revived224973   
ABC (Italian)26-Jan-64ABC Motori - Le Notizie48    
ABC (Spanish)18-Dec-69La Duquesa de Alburquerque, Muerta en Accidente de Circulacion619151   
Altas Prestaciones #74 (Spanish)Sep-23  8759   
Australian Classic CarDec-23Family Ferrari609053   
Australian Classic CarFeb-23Ferrari 330GT The Friendly Ferrari606763   
Australian Motor Sports & AutomobilesJan-65Ferrari 330 GT — Road impressions of a 150 mph masterpiece6    
Auto Bild Sportscars (German)Feb-23Vier Gewinnt1085061   
Auto Bild-Klassik #5 (German)May-2016Klassiker für den Urlaub127721   
Auto d'Epoca (Italian)Sep-89I 40 Anni di Attiviat' Dello Studio Michelotti     
Auto d'Epoca (Italian)May-23330 Cavallino da famiglia729005   
Auto Digest #27 Anno IV (Italian)2006Magic Moments706213   
Auto Italia #287Jan-23Reader's Cars806203   
Auto Italiana (Italian)01/02/64La Nuova Ferrari 330 Gran Turismo ad31    
Auto Italiana (Italian)01/16/64La Nuova Ferrari Gran Turismo6    
Auto Modèlisme #271 (French)Oct-20Ferrari 330 GT « Sèrie II » 1965 BBR 1/18e18    
Auto Modèlisme #271 (French)Oct-20Gamme de Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 au 1/18e2049636781  
Auto Moto Collection Magazine #4 (French)Jan/Feb-07FORMULE GAGNANTE !3310041   
Auto Motor Klassiek (Dutch)Jan-23FERRARI 330 GT 2+2 5647   
Auto Motor und Sport #2/1964 (German)01/25/64Das Beste Auto11    
Auto Motor und Sport #22/1964 (German)10/31/64Italiens Aller Schnellste32    
Auto Motor und Sport #22/1965 (German)10/30/65Pariser Salon22    
Auto Motor und Sport #6/1965 (German)03/20/65Autos aus dem Ausland41    
Auto Motor und Sport #7/1965 (German)04/03/65Pontiac 2+2 contra Ferrari 2+211    
Auto Motor und Sport #9/77 (German)04/27/77Letzte Fahrt205055   
Auto Passion #101 (French)May-952 V12 et 8 Places806281   
Auto Passion #120 (French)Jun-98DOSSIER LES FERRARI 275 /330 P 1964      
Auto Retro #319 (French)Apr-23Acheter Une Ferrari 330 GT 2+2185349   
Auto Retro #42  (French)Feb-84Les Ferrari 'Familiales' Depuis 196042    
Auto Revue (German)Jun-66Ferrari 330 GT127759   
AutoAficionadoJan/Feb-07Finding Adventure1189723   
Autocapital #7 (Italian)07/07/93Confronto: Ferrari 456 GT / 330 GT 2+2347613   
Autocar01/24/64Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Coupe180    
Autocar05/29/64Italian Car Review1022    
Autocar06/26/64Ferrari 330GT1259    
Autocar04/09/65Ferrari 330 GT 2+26995987   
Autocar08/07/91A Ferrari with horse sense605465   
Autokampioen (Dutch)08/28/85de Ferrari 330 Gran Turismo2335 GTE 4667  
Autokampioen (Dutch)12/11/08Voorportaalnaal De Hemel 8665   
Automobiel #124 (Dutch)1990Ferrari 330 GT 2+247047   
Automobiel Klassiek #11 (Dutch)Nov-98Ferrari 330 GT 2+2608889   
Automobil (Swedish)Jul-89Slaktoffren447219   
Automobil (Swedish)Mar-91Ferrari 330GT 2+2 1965 Silverhång Superbil636767   
Automobil (Swedish)Sep-23Ferrari 330GT 2+2766125   
Automobil Illustrierte (German)01/20/64Nuer Grand Tourismo: Ferrari 330 GT36    
AutomobileMar-99American Driver459723   
AutomobileApr-99Ferrari 330GT 2+2 Series II122    
Automobile Sport & Prestige #10 (French)Jan-90Ventes de VOITURES de COLLECTION 74    
Automobiles Classiques #137 (French)Apr-23L'ancêtre de la 61252    
Autorama (Italian)Feb-64Da Bruxelles Le Prime Novita Del 196426    
Autorama (Italian)Nov-65Ancora e Sempre…Pininfarina64    
AUTOSelect1990sFour headlight picture     
Autosport08/28/64Ferrari's Fabulous 330GT3345465   
Autosport10/22/65Ferodo Ad6607225   
Autosprint #2 (Italian)01/31/64La Nuova Ferrari 330 GT Pininfarina11    
Autosprint #22 (Italian)11/06/64Il Pokerissimo di Pininfarina42    
Autovisie #12/'98 (Dutch)Dec-98Italia a Zandvoort296625   
Autovisie #21/'88 (Dutch)10/15/88Mas du clos: Tuin der Lusten566625   
Autovisie #5/'65 (Dutch)02/05/65Wij reden de Ferrari 330 GT 12    
Autovisie #8/'88 (Dutch)4/16/88Feestelijke Ferrari’s28    
Autoweek03/23/09A Pleasure to Pay For4710193   
Autoweek10/27/11Santa Fe Fare488855   
Autoweek?New World Craftsmanship 6395   
Autoweek (Dutch)1992Abramo Cecchin Swiss Garage     
Autoweek (Dutch)10/04/96Luxe Raspaard38    
Berlinetta (French)Jan-23Histoire - 330 GT America345121   
British CarOct-94Rally 'Round the Mayflower365025   
Bilen Motor og Sport (Danish)Jan-80FERRARI- EN TÆMMET RACERVOGN     
CarSep-65Prancing Horsepower306981   
Car and DriverMay-64For Your Information110    
Car and DriverMar-65The Pontiac 2+2 against the Ferrari 2+229    
Car and DriverDec-65For Your Information76    
Car TalkJan-00Am I nuts     
Carros (Dutch)Apr-23Concurrentiestrijd in Parijs 6781   
Carrozzeria6Ferrari 330 GT 2+2166539   
Cars and Car ConversionsJun-66Ferrari 330 GT3181156747  
Cars IllustratedFeb-64The Ferrari 330/GT46    
Cavallino57Ferrari 330 GT286539   
Cavallino69330 America295105   
Cavallino217A Family Affair87853   
Classic & Sports CarJul-87X Certificate746129   
Classic & Sports CarAug-95Dead but not dishonoured25    
Classic & Sports CarDec-98Face like a Horse1347979   
Classic & Sports CarJan-00Ferrari 330 GT 2+211078316201  
Classic & Sports CarDec-23Art of the Estate1327963   
Classic & Sports CarJul-23The Top 10 £10,000-£20,000 Ferraris9657235987  
Classic & Sports CarMar-23Auction News15764799453  
Classic & Sports CarJul-23Unknown Pleasures1246879   
Classic & Sports CarJan-23Lost & Found287663   
Classic & Sports CarNov-23The Gallery89423   
Classic & Sports Car Nov-23When GT Man became Family Guy786131   
Classic & Sports Car Nov-23Luxembourg's Best Kept Secret309443   
Classic & Sports Car Mar-25Warts and All8054556981  
Classic CarsApr-23The World-Beater's Warrier906981   
Classic CarsDec-23Ferrari down under, but not out289471   
classicdriver.com3/7/2025This Ferrari 330 GT Series 2 7557   
cochesclásicos #59 (Spanish)Jan-23Comparativa: Maserati 3500 GT vs. Ferrari 330 GT288759   
Daily Mail07-Nov-12Prancing horse saved from the knackers yard 7191   
Daily Telegraph10-Jan-11John Lennon's first car up for auction 6781   
Daily Telegraph10-Aug-12Jay Kay's cars hit the right note 7963   
Daily Telegraph10-Aug-12Jay Kay talks about his car collection 7963   
Daily Telegraph08-Nov-12The £40,000 banger 7191   
Dell'Epoca Ferrari Presenta La "330GT"     
Dream MachinesMay-00Ferrari 330 GT     
European CarSep-23Affordable Ferrari565769   
EVO Croatian EditionDec-23  6153   
Ferrari Club España #51905Ferrari 330 GT628759   
Ferrari Collection #40 (Italian)12/31/04Un'Assoluta Novità Tecnica e Stilistica640    
Ferrari Collection #6 (French)Mar-23Une Nouveauté Absolue12    
Ferrari en España #5 (Spanish)May-99Ferrari 330 y GT 2+2366861   
Ferrari Journal (German)Feb-90Prove Classiche - 330 GT687471   
Ferrari La Passion #34 (French)Jun-98Les Ferrari Grande Tourisme668    
Ferrari Market Letter02/28/76Ferrari 330 GT 2+21    
Ferrari Market Letter05/06/78Ferrari 330 GT 2+21    
Ferrari Market Letter12/15/79330 GT 2+21    
Ferrari Market Letter12/29/79330 America1    
Ferrari Market Letter06/13/81Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 "Single Headlight"1    
Ferrari Market Letter12/25/82330 America1    
Ferrari Market Letter04/18/87Ferrari 330 GT 2+21    
Ferrari Market Letter04/24/93Ferrari 330 America1    
Ferrari Market Letter07/31/93330 Ferraris1    
Ferrari Market Letter07/04/20330 GT 2+2 - More Than Meets the Eye3    
Ferrari Models #14 (French)Oct-23Duel 330 GT 2 + 2 Vignale - 365 GTB/4 Daytona Panther Westwinds507963   
Ferrari Models #7 (French)Aug-00La vie en rouge28    
Ferrari Models #7 (French)Aug-00Ferrari 330 America564989   
Ferrari Models #7 (French)Aug-00Ferrari 330 GT 2+2609477   
Ferrari V2 #1 Autumn 69Return of a 330GT Ferrari176201   
Ferrari V35 #1Spring 03Shooting Brakes567963   
Ferrari World18Stock in Trade [America]675035   
Ferrari World (German)51Tom Tjaara und der 330 GT 2+2347471   
Ferrari World (German)92Der Neue Massstab485061   
Forza #116Apr-23Classic: The Royal Treatment389119   
Forza #116Apr-23The Classic 2+2s56    
Forza #124Apr-23Head Case546097   
Forza #37May-23What Makes A HERO666743   
Forza #50Dec-23Inexpensive, but not cheap4861615121  
Forza #56Oct-23Four for the Road6360978325  
Forza #75Feb-23The Classic 2+2s57    
Forza #84Apr-23La Bella Macchine!468627   
Forza #87Aug-23Against All Odds385053   
Forza #91Feb-23The Classic 2+2s77    
Forza #99Feb-23The Classic 2+2s53    
Forza #213May-24Rescue Mission485077   
FroiLan #29 (Spanish)Feb-23Los Clacicos: Ferrari 330 GT 2+2326363   
Hemmings Motor NewsFeb-231964-'67 Ferrari 330 GT545919   
Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car #79Mar-23Fastest Family Car on the Continent325919   
Hemmings Sports & Exotic Car #79Mar-23Men Who Love Lancias387863   
Het Automobiel (Dutch)Apr-98Grootmeester48    
Het Automobiel Klassieker (Dutch)May-23De èchte liebhebber645423   
Het Automobiel Klassieker (Dutch)Dec-23Doe een Plezier Rit206415   
High Performance Cars (Autosport)64/65Ferrari's Fabulous 330GT685465   
Hispanic Business Magazine Nov-23RediAuto Puts Disabled Customers Back in the Driver's Seat 8523   
Hobby (German)2/12/64Abbildungen von Ferrari 330 GT64    
House BeautifulFeb-70Cornelius Ryan569119   
Hurrà Juventus (Italian)May-65Advertisement1    
Il Mito Ferrari (Italian)34330 GT 2+2, coupé da commendatore486939   
Italian Cars, Sports and ClassicJune/July 91Supercars - Ferrari 330GT 2+220    
Jornal dos Clássicos #33 (Portuguese)12/98-1/99Allegro Con Brio2078797099  
La Manovella #12 (Italian)Dec-23Ecco le Ferrari con quattro posti12    
La Manovella e Ruote a raggi #3 (Italian)May/June 90Il Fascino Discreto Del Cavallino38    
La Vie De L'Auto #1771 (French)06/29/17La Ferrari fantôme 6281   
La Vie De L'Auto #599 (French)03/18/93Ferrari 330 GT 1966308463   
L'Action Automobile et Touristique #43 (French)Mar-64Bruxelles: Citroën en Tête du Marché Belge12    
L'Action Automobile et Touristique #69 (French)May-668 Voitures de Sport43    
l'Automobile #2 (Italian)1/12/64La Nuova Ferrari 330 GT 2+28    
L'Automobile #215 (French)Mar-64La Ferrari 330 G.T.44    
L'Automobile #219 (French)Jul-64La Ferrari 330 G.T.16    
L'Automobile #227 (French)Mar-652 CV Citroën - Ferrari 330 G.T.15    
l'Automobile #25 (Italian)6/21/64Prova della Ferrari 3308    
l'Automobile Classico #1 (Italian)Jun-23Io ti salverò8410149   
Le Soir Illustre (French)01/16/64Quoi de Neuf au Salon4    
legacymotorsports.com10/22/101965 Ferrari 330GT 7137   
Maranello World #116 (German)Jan-23WACHGEKUSST644973   
Modern MotorAug-65Flashing Ferrari366203   
Modern MotorJul-66Tearing up the Big Ferrari Myth276203   
Moteurs (French) #42Mar/Apr 64La Ferrari 330: Une G.T. Exceptionnelle36    
Moteurs (French) #45Sep/Oct 6433 voitures de sport à l'essai 13    
Moteurs (French) #51Sep/Oct 6537 voitures de sport à l'essai de la Gordini R8 à La Ferrari 330 GT 33    
Motor01/08/64A Luxurious New Ferrari58    
Motor01/15/64Luxury … at one-fifty per36    
Motor01/29/641964 - Ferrari Speaks71    
Motor05/01/65The Three Faces of Ferrari366017   
Motor8/25/73Maranello Magic517131   
Motor Clásico  N° 293 (Spanish)Jun-23Rallye Hospederìas809101   
Motor Clásico  Nº 53 (Spanish)Jun-92Ferrari 330 GT167183   
Motor Italia #65Winter 63/64      
Motor Italia #69Winter 64/65      
Motor Klassic (German)Jun-91Gesichter in der Menge87231   
Motor Klassic (German)Jul-91Sommerfestpiele74    
Motor Klassic (German)Nov-00Ferrari 330 GT Fantuzzi Spider 388733   
Motor Klassic (German)Dec-00Ferrari 330 GT 2+226    
Motor Revue (German)1993/1994Ferrari1385561   
Motor Revue (German) #50Summer 1964Paul Frère: Test Ferrari 330 GT20    
Motor Revue (German) #53Jan-65Europas Schnellste Limousinen36    
Motor Revue (German) #55Mar-65Die Autos Der Welt106    
Motor Revue (German) #56Apr-65Autosalons in Paris und Turin22    
Motor Rundschau (German) #302/10/64Brüssel: Premieren 1964 110    
Motor SportAug-67Letters From Readers - Tools for Cars74165039915  
Motor SportApr-68Top Italian Cars in Britain2746595   
Motor SportMay-68Top Italian Cars in Britain (Part 2)3826777   
Motor SportApr-72Letters From Readers - Ferrari Experiences383    
Motor SportMay-72Letters From Readers - Ferrari Experiences5195987   
Motor SportMay-73Ideal Pairs - A Summary4907353   
Motor TrendJun-23WTFF? (mention/picture of 7963)747963   
Motores y Ruedas (Spanish)Dec-64Resumen Automovilistico del Ano8    
MotormanJun-70A Day in the Life …119187   
Mundo Motorizado #581 (Portuguese)Jun-89  58557343  
Muscle Cars Compared Book 2 1965 Pontiac Catalina 2+2 Against Ferrari 2+2 330 GT     
New York Times03/01/70Most Mets Put World Series Booty to Work: Making More Money1816937   
New York Times04/05/70Mets' Cars Match Their Lofty Status4246937   
New York Times06/21/02A Mechanic With Custody Grants a Weekend VisitF29423   
New York Times04/29/05The Workingman's Ferrari 52637919  
OctaneMay-23In Paddock & Car Park745331   
OctaneNov-23Pride & Prejudice428663   
OctaneNov-23Stars of Monterey1097979   
Octane 60 years of the Jagua XKJun-23Stretch of the Imagination 7963   
Octane/EVO 60 years of Ferrari Supercars2007Stretch of the Imagination407963   
Octane #211Jan-23Coupe des Alpes264989   
Octane #215May-23Ferrari 330 LMB Recreation 6727   
Old CarNov-88Bellissimo, Ferrarissimo 1336739   
Old Classic Car A V12 330 Ferrari following a heavy collision. 6009   
Old MotorAug-79Secondhand Dreams38    
OldTimer Dreamcar (Belgium) #1308/07/87Een Zeer Exclusieve Ferrari de Superfast 4176625   
OldTimer Dreamcar (Belgium) #37Jan-91Club Events357471   
OldTimer Dreamcar (Belgium) #71June/July 95Italiaans Vakmanscahp in België147777   
Oldtimer Markt (German)1905Cavallino Quadrante40    
Oldtimer Markt (German)Dec-94Rassige DampFrösser - Ferrari 330 10    
Onschatbare Klassieker (Dutch)Nov-23Ferrari 250 GT/E31    
Onschatbare Klassieker (Dutch)Oct-23Three Castles Welsh Classic Trial827471   
Onschatbare Klassieker (Dutch)Jun-23Maranello, specialist in Italiaanse topklassikers3364298613  
Onschatbare Klassieker (Dutch)Sep-23Italiaanse topklassikers op nieuwe locatie85    
Onschatbare Klassieker (Dutch)May-23Luxepaardon zijn ook snel21    
Petrolicious Productions09/17/13A Ferrari 330 GT 2+2 Purchased Under an Olive Tree in Sicily 7863   
Prancing Horse31Adventure on a Ferrari 330 GT/2+223    
Prancing Horse70No. 4995174995   
Prancing Horse141Guest Editorial58779   
Prancing Horse142La Carrera Panamericana228779   
Prancing Horse200Been There, Done That244995   
Prancing Horse202Been There, Done That225055   
Quattroruote (Italian) #107Nov-64Il Salone di Torino105    
Quattroruote (Italian) #107Nov-64Ferrari "330 GT"180    
Quattroruote (Italian) #119Nov-65Le Italaine al Salone di Torino104    
Quattroruote (Italian) #141Sep-67Ferrari 330GT Michelotti     
Quattroruote (Italian) #97Jan-64La Nuova Ferrari "330 G.T."69    
Quattroruote (Italian) #98Feb-64Ferrari Presenta La "330GT"84    
Red Racing Green (Belgium)Jun-23Au cœur de la capitale belge, une collection Ferrari 8925   
Retroviseur (French) #101Jan-97Testaments de style687963   
Retroviseur (French) #133Sep-99Laquelle choisir ? Aston Martin DB6 Vantage 1966 - Ferrari 330 GT 1966708463   
Retroviseur (French) #202Jun-23Dossier Ferrari 2+2 La vie de famille565349   
Rijdend Nederland (Dutch) #201/16/64Nieuwe Ferrari     
Road and TrackApr-64Ferrari Looks at '6449    
Road and TrackJul-64Miscellaneous Ramblings175109   
Road and TrackFeb-65Miscellaneous Ramblings195109   
Road and TrackJan-6652 Salon de l'Automobile de Paris22    
Road and TrackSep-68The New Place435109   
Road and TrackNov-71Owner Survey - Ferrari108    
Road and TrackNov-841961-1967 Ferrari 330GT 2+2 & 250GTE 2+2587519   
Road and TrackOct-85Affordable exotics; seven super cars for under $20,00036    
Road and TrackJun-00Respectable Replicas114    
RuoteClassiche (Italian) #104Mar-97Invervento al cuore di una Ferrari «330 GT»567613   
RuoteClassiche (Italian) #163Jul-23Il potere dei dollari507963   
Science et Vie #68 (French)1964-65Dix Voitures Qui Font Rêver90    
Seattle PI1/21/00Car TalkD2    
Smithsonian Magazine, TheDec-97Ferrari Mystique58    
SpecialCar.ComSep-97330 GT 6997   
Spirou (French) #13594/30/64la Nouvelle Ferrari 330 GT4    
Sport Auto #25 (French)Feb-64la nouvelle Ferrari 330 GT6    
Sport Auto #33 (French)Oct-64Spécial Salon24    
Sport Auto #41 (French)Jun-65la Ferrari 330 GT51    
Sport Auto #45 (French)Oct-65Special Salon38    
Sporting MotoristFeb-64Ferrari 330GT76    
Sporting MotoristApr-64Ferrari 330 GT 2+2209    
Sports Car GraphicApr-64Ferrari 1964 [Picture and Mention]48    
Sports Car GraphicAug-64Ferrari 330 GT50    
Sports Car GraphicFeb-66Best from Europe [Picture only]53    
Sports Car GraphicJan-67Road Test Ferrari 330 GT 2+230    
Sports Car InternationalJul-23Serious Collector869177   
Sports Car MarketOct-001964 Ferrari 330 GT 2+22762016939  
Sports Car MarketMay-23A Two-Year 2+226    
Sports Car MarketDec-23A Tour through Tar Heel Country388779   
Sports Car MarketAug-23Room for Four447029   
Sports Car MarketJul-231967 Ferrari 300 GT 2+2 Series II3886016097  
Sports Car MarketFeb-231965 Ferrari 300 GT 2+2 Barn Find427191   
Sports Car MarketFeb-23Bonhams Harrogate1087191   
Sports Car MarketFeb-23Recent High Sales on eBay Motors1327889   
Sports Car Road Tests3Ferrari 330GT6    
Sports Car WorldMay-65The Pontiac 2+2 against the Ferrari 2+220    
Sports Car WorldFeb-66330 GT: Portrait of a Ferrari186981   
Sports Car WorldFeb-69Turin Auto Show427963   
Sports Car WorldFeb-72A Customised Ferrari207979   
Sports Car WorldOct-73The Song of the Twelve14    
Sports Car WorldFerrari #1330 GT69    
Style Auto#4 Autumn 64The Armchair on a Thoroughbred101    
Supercar Classics (Car Magazine)Sep-88John Surtees - Supercars I Have Known246981   
Supercar Classics (Car Magazine)Dec-90Mike Loasby - Supercars I Have Known226777   
Supercar Classics (Car Magazine)Autumn 84Horse With No Name646777   
TEMPO (Italian)Feb-64L'OCCHIO DEL GATTO79    
The Official Ferrari Magazine #04Mar-09Sicily's Lost Treasures666483   
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsSep-76Classic of the Month [Picture of America]69    
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsSep-88Discovered16    
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsDec-90GT Generation165465   
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsJul-95Back-street classics87    
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsOct-96Power for the People4867396777  
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsDec-091964 Ferrari 330 GT 2+21026129   
Thoroughbred and Classic CarsAug-13Ticket to Ride466781   
Time Magazine5/30/77VVVroom Tomb 5055   
TINTIN #12 (French)1964vedette de salon de Bruxelles : LA  FERRARI 330 GT50    
TOP Réalités Jeunesse n° 271 (French)1/26/64Ferrari 330 GT60    
Topos e Clássicos #15 (Portuguese)Jul-23 8    
Track and TrafficSep-65Ferrari 330GT (performance test)35    
Virage Auto (French)Jun-69de 1959 ã 1969 : les Ferrari 2+248    
Volante #3Jan-96330 GT Poster110    
Volgas (Dutch)Mar-64Carrozzeria Pininfarina8    
Washington Post2/4/07Hands-On Driving for Enthusuasts With DisabilitiesG28523   
WheelsAug-82Mr Miller's home for old-age supercars 449053   
World's Fastest Sports Cars#5Ferrari 2 plus 2 Versus Pontiac 2 plus 246    
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